Ditch Witch - Zahn R300

Ditch Witch - Zahn R300
Concept Sketches

Concept Sketches

CAD Models

CAD Models

Studio shots, showing different configurations

Studio shots, showing different configurations

Product in use, showing different configurations

Product in use, showing different configurations

Based in Perry, Oklahoma, The Charles Machine Works Inc. (CMW Inc.) invented the first compact trenching machine in 1949 and launched a whole new industry.

Revolutionizing the Trenching tool industry, The Ditch Witch Zahn is an innovative multi-function tool carrier. It can function as a trencher, dump truck, plow and more without giving away any functionality. Working closely with the CMW engineering team, Insync designed a breakthrough solution that set a new benchmark for Compact Equipment.

Innovative use of materials and assembly techniques produced a new " Ditch Witch" with reduced costs, sound ergonomic principles and much improved aesthetics.